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Dental Sealants Worcester, MA

The most important thing your child can do to prevent cavities is brush and floss daily. However, dental caries are still a common issue among children. This is because children are still developing motor skills and may need to clean their teeth better. Also, children tend to consume a diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. It is vital that parents take those extra steps to help prevent cavities.

Dental sealants were developed as an extra barrier to protect children’s teeth during the years when children learn the proper ways to care for them. Children’s Dental Specialties provides dental sealants in Worcester, MA, as a pediatric dental service to prevent dental caries.

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are clear or shaded plastic protective coatings placed on back teeth to prevent cavities. These plastic coatings are thin, and will cover the chewing surface of molars and premolars. These teeth tend to have natural groves and pits where most cavities begin in children. The sealants will act as a physical barrier to keep food and debris from getting stuck in the deep groves and pits. By having us apply this shield to your child’s teeth, you can prevent many cavities from possibly forming.

Children who receive dental sealants in our Worcester office have the added benefit of preventative pediatric dental care. Sealants can reduce the chance of patients developing cavities that create permanent holes in the teeth. Dental sealants also prevent needing a pediatric root canal or dental fillings.

Dental Sealants for Children in Worcester, MA

The Optimal Age for Applying Dental Sealants

Your dentist will recommend dental sealants when the permanent molars and premolars erupt, typically between the ages of 6 and 12. The first set of premolars erupt around age 6, while the second set emerges by age 12.

If we seal these teeth promptly, they will have additional protection during the most formative years when your child is most likely to develop cavities. If we discover your child is at a high risk of cavities, we may recommend applying sealants to their baby teeth.

Dental Sealant Treatment in Worcester, MA

Sealants provide quick and painless treatment that we can provide in just one office visit. To begin treatment, we ensure that the teeth are clean. Typically, we provide dental sealants following a routine dental cleaning. Then, we prepare the surface of the teeth with an acidic compound.

This preparation ensures that the sealants adhere to the teeth. Once the compound dries, we apply the dental sealant to the chewing surfaces with a small brush, ensuring that we cover each groove. Finally, we harden the sealant with a curing light. 

Dental sealants create a protective barrier against food particles and harmful bacteria that can break down tooth enamel. Harmful bacteria feed on sugars and starches left in the mouth. It is common for plaque and tartar to build on the back teeth, as they can be more difficult to clean than other teeth.

Cavities are prevalent among children, especially if they do not properly care for their smiles. Children also often consume more sugary foods and beverages that can attract harmful bacteria. It is especially important to address signs of decay as children grow, as decay can impact the health of their permanent teeth.

How long do dental sealants last?

The longevity of the dental sealants will vary for each patient. They typically last between 5 and 10 years. At each regular dental check-up, your dentist will check on them to make sure are they are not worn down or dislodged. Your dentist can reapply them if necessary. To ensure the longevity of your sealants, help your child maintain proper oral hygiene.

Are dental sealants safe for children?

Dental sealants have been thoroughly studied and are considered safe. The materials they are made out of have been rigorously tested and meet all safety standards. We highly recommend for children to help protect their teeth from decay.

Call Our Office to Schedule Your Child for Dental Sealants Worcester, MA

Is it time for your child’s next dental cleaning and sealant treatment? Contact Children’s Dental Specialties today at (508) 625-5534. You may also request a dental appointment online.

Let us know if you have any questions about sealants or other routine care for your child. We will work with you to ensure that your child gets the correct treatment for their needs and age group.