A pediatric dentist is a dentist who focuses on dental services for children. Our office provides pediatric dentistry in Worcester, MA, for infants, children, and teenagers. We offer comprehensive pediatric dental services to ensure that young smiles can develop normally and stay healthy.
Early dental care and intervention are essential to maintain a growing child’s oral health and can prevent future oral health issues. Dr. Dan Moheban takes a minimally invasive approach to pediatric dental care that can ensure patient comfort while allowing for effective diagnoses and treatments.
The 4-Step Process for Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry
Minimally invasive dentistry aims to conserve healthy tooth structure by detecting, diagnosing, intercepting, and treating dental caries at the microscopic level. This intervention strategy employs individualized risk assessment and the early detection of cavities.
Treatment includes remineralizing teeth and conservative operative procedures that maintain tooth structure. In addition, prevention is a key component of minimally invasive dentistry. Focusing on less invasive procedures often means no pain, less anxiety, and lower costs.
Here’s a breakdown of our process to restore our patient’s teeth using minimally invasive techniques:
1. Early Detection and Diagnosis
The main reason we want to see your child every six months for dental cleanings and examinations is to do what we can to prevent dental diseases. Even if we can’t prevent dental decay, we can at least catch early signs of infection.
Early detection allows us to remove tooth decay in the earliest stages when it hasn’t progressed into the tooth’s dentin (the porous layer between the nerve and enamel). Once decay has reached the dentin, it’s just one step away from causing nerve damage.
Additionally, since the dentin is very porous, decay can quickly progress through this layer. Catching decay while still in the enamel allows us to fill the tooth quickly and painlessly.
2. Risk Assessment
Another reason why we want to see our patients regularly is to assess their risk for developing dental issues. At regular dental visits, we can find signs of dental cavities and evaluate the progress of their adult teeth. Recognizing issues like a baby tooth not coming out when it’s supposed to allow us to take less invasive action, such as early orthodontic care or wisdom teeth extractions.
Also, when we see our young patients for dental cleanings, we can evaluate the health of their gum tissue. Due to genetics, some children are more prone to gum disease than others. With regular teeth cleaning appointments, we can keep gum disease at bay and take action early if we see signs of it developing.
3. Tooth Remineralization
The third step to minimally invasive dentistry is remineralization. Do you ever see white spots on your child’s teeth? Often, this is a sign that the enamel is starting to demineralize, making that area of the tooth weaker and more susceptible to decay.
Demineralization can happen at any point in a child’s life, though you might notice it more when they have had traditional braces. For example, after removing the metal brackets, some children have demineralized white spots around where the brackets used to be.
Thankfully, at this point, the tooth has not started to decay. We can take action to restore the strength of the tooth and prevent a cavity. We can remineralize the tooth with a variety of products, including fluoride treatments after each cleaning which can be placed directly on demineralized areas.
4. Minimally Invasive Restorative Procedures
Dental lasers allow us to restore decayed teeth in a minimally invasive way. Lasers are very accurate. Dental lasers can target diseased tissue and leave surrounding healthy enamel or dentin in place. This means your child experiences less discomfort during the procedure.
In addition to treating cavities, dental lasers allow us to perform minimally invasive surgical procedures on the mouth’s soft tissues. With a precise dental laser, we only remove the necessary amount of tissue. Lasers have minimal bleeding and post-operative swelling and promote quick healing.
Our Pediatric Dental Services
- Dental Cleanings
- Dental Fillings
- Dental Sealants
- Emergency Dentistry
- Laser Dentistry
- Mouthguards
- Pediatric Root Canal
- Sedation Dentistry
- Sleep Appliances
- Tooth Extraction
- Tongue & Lip Tie
Choosing a Pediatric Dentist
Choosing a pediatric dentist should be done carefully. You should look at the reputation the dentist has in the community and even in online forums. Also, consider how committed they are to the progress of dental technology.
Some dentists aren’t quick to jump on board with the unknown. However, at Children’s Dental Specialties, we provide the latest products, tools, and techniques to make dental visits more comfortable and enjoyable for your child.
Request a Dental Consultation
Do you need a pediatric dentist? Contact Children’s Dental Specialties today at (508) 625-5534 or schedule a dental appointment on our website. Our dental office provides pediatric dental care for patients in Worcester and Boylston, MA.