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338 Plantation Street Worcester, MA 01604

Sedation Dentistry Worcester, MA

Patient comfort and well-being are integral to our dental practice. When children visit our office, we want them to feel comfortable and relaxed. Dental sedation is a safe option that we offer in-office for children who require lengthy, complex dental care or require more relaxation during treatment. Our office provides general anesthesia and nitrous oxide as methods of sedation dentistry for children in Worcester, MA.

Nitrous oxide, or inhalation sedation, is one of the most common types of sedation we use and has no health risks for patients. General anesthesia is best for children 3 years and older.

Anesthesiologist Dr. Patrick McCarty can administer dental sedation to ensure that children have relaxing, pain-free dental care. Our office uses sedation dental options for children for whom we provide pediatric dental services.

Pediatric Dental Sedation in Worcester, MA

Why Do Patients Need Dental Sedation?

Some of the most common reasons for dental sedation or patients who benefit from sedation include:

  • Extreme dental phobia: In some cases, just the idea of entering a dental practice can send a child into a panic attack. It is often difficult to see these patients regularly, which means they don’t get the dental cleanings and exams needed to help prevent dental issues or catch them in the early stages. Unfortunately, when we see these patients, it’s because they’re experiencing some sort of dental pain. General anesthesia is the best way to proceed with dental treatment and keep these patients at ease.
  • Special needs children: Children with certain physical or mental conditions may need specialized care. Patients with autism, cerebral palsy, and Down’s syndrome may benefit from general anesthesia in Worcester. For the safety of the patient, as well as the dental team, sedation through the use of general anesthesia may be the best way to provide quality care safely.
  • Complex dental cases: Patients who need extensive treatment — such as fillings, crowns, and extractions — or who have severe decay can also benefit from this type of sedation. When patients are completely relaxed, our dental team can complete all of the work necessary in a shorter amount of time. Since the child is asleep, they won’t experience any pain or discomfort from the dental procedure.

Sedation Dentistry Services in Worcester, MA

Our dental office provides nitrous oxide and general anesthesia. Nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” is a colorless, almost odorless gas. When it is inhaled, it has a calming effect on the patient. The relaxed state it produces in the patient allows him to respond more favorably to treatment. Nitrous oxide is very safe. Under nitrous oxide, children remain fully awake and alert and can respond easily to stimuli. 

General anesthesia is a management technique that uses medications to cause the child to become unconscious and asleep while receiving dental care. It is provided by a physician or dentist who has special training in anesthesia.

Children with severe anxiety and/or inability to cooperate are candidates for general anesthesia. These children may be young or have compromised health or special needs. They usually require extensive dental treatment, and their anxiety cannot be controlled with other techniques.

Contact Us For Comfortable Pediatric Treatment

Does your child have anxiety or dental fear? Call Children’s Dental Specialties for relaxing dental sedation at (508) 625-5534. You can also schedule a dental consultation with us on our website.