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Orthodontic Appliances Worcester, MA

Orthodontists Dr. Menachem D. Roth and Dr. Roberto S. Carvalho use orthodontic appliances alone or to aid in braces treatment in our Worcester, MA, pediatric dental office. Orthodontic appliances have many uses, from helping young patients with underdeveloped palates to ensuring that straight teeth stay in place.

Our office provides comprehensive orthodontic services to patients in Worcester. We welcome parents to learn more about the appliances we use to help children and teenagers get straighter and healthier smiles. 

Orthodontic Appliances in Worcester, MA

Orthodontic Appliances in Worcester, MA

Some of the most common orthodontic appliances used for pediatric patients or in general include: 

Herbst Appliance

In combination with braces, this alternative to traditional headgear helps correct overbites. Herbst appliances are attached to the molars. They connect the upper and lower jaw.

This device correctly positions the upper and lower jaw to correct the bite. Benefits of this appliance include an average treatment time of 12 months, a less cumbersome appliance, and more comfortable treatment.

Palatal Expander

We use palatal expanders to help patients with small palates. A palatal expander stretches the palate, or the roof of the mouth, to make room for teeth to develop. We often use an expander for the upper jaw to gradually increase the palate.

Our office also recommends this appliance during phase one treatment to help young patients develop an even, healthy smile. Palatal expanders can help prevent the need for jaw surgery, braces, or even extractions later on in life.

Band & Loop (B & L)

A band and loop hold space for missing baby teeth in the back of the mouth until permanent teeth grow. The band and loop consist of a metal band that surrounds a tooth adjacent to a tooth gap. The band is connected to a loop that covers the space above the tooth gap.

Lower Lingual Arch (LLA)

A lower lingual arch is a metal appliance that helps maintain space in the lower teeth. The LLA has bands around the back molars and a wire that fits against the inside of the lower teeth. This appliance prevents the molars from moving forward. We use the LLA for children who have overcrowded teeth.


We recommend retainers for patients after they complete treatment with metal braces or Invisalign. Retainers hold teeth in their new positions to prevent shifting teeth. Wearing retainers can keep teeth straight and prevent problems like an orthodontic relapse. This problem occurs when the teeth shift out of place after treatment. 

Patients need to wear their retainers to keep the teeth in place. Retainers can be removable or fixed. Removable retainers are clear plastic or wire retainers that you can take out when you eat or clean your mouth. Fixed retainers are thin wires bonded to the back of your teeth. They stay in place permanently and don’t need to be removed.

Contact Our Office 

Do you have questions about your child’s orthodontic options in Worcester, MA, or what appliances they need? Request a dental consultation online. You can also call us today at (508) 625-5534. We will be happy to help.